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  • IUsuallyPonder
    Boy, that ending really encapsulates the season. What or who do you think Tort blames for this one? #AllIn2FireTort

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    Lol one step closer to firing that clown staff

    Game was so bad there are no words

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  • jrshooter
    Holy Gloryosky.

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  • CUlater
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
    Side action to spice this game up:

    ​​​​​​Over / Under

    Total combined points 62.5 - Under

    Gannon total points 35.5 - Under

    Total combined penalty yards 220.5 - over

    Total combined unsportsmanlike penalties/personal fouls 6.5 - Under IUP - 4, GU 2

    Slow Start Tort first half points 9.75 - Over

    IUP missed XPs 0.75 - over

    "Announced" attendance 1,450.5 - under


    IUP will have more yards rushing or passing - rushing

    Gannon will hit over or under 5.5 pass plays of 20+ yards - under
    too good to pass up...

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    Side action to spice this game up:

    ​​​​​​Over / Under

    Total combined points 62.5

    Gannon total points 35.5

    Total combined penalty yards 220.5

    Total combined unsportsmanlike penalties/personal fouls 6.5

    Slow Start Tort first half points 9.75

    IUP missed XPs 0.75

    "Announced" attendance 1,450.5


    IUP will have more yards rushing or passing

    Gannon will hit over or under 5.5 pass plays of 20+ yards

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    Originally posted by IUPNation View Post

    I'm sure it will post game.

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  • IUPNation
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
    This board is blowing up with IUP vs #LIT-AF discussion.

    I'm sure it will post game.

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    This board is blowing up with IUP vs #LIT-AF discussion.


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  • Ship69
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post

    It's just very odd. The victims weren't local so perhaps that is why the local media isn't covering it more. Indiana isn't exactly a news hotbed. The Gazette is usually littered with boring borough council meeting reports and the like.

    They did say they had a suspect weeks ago but didn't elaborate any more. Is this person holed up in a basement in town, what's he look like, etc. Of course, they don't always share the details, but some media push for updates would be nice.

    When homicide charges start flying I don't know how strong the anti-snitch sentiment is. They can really crank up the pressure. You're going in at 21 and coming out at 71.

    But, you're right so far. With 'numerous' shooters, they won't all stay quiet forever.

    It's just very strange that it's like a forgotten story.
    If you're getting boring borough council reports, you're lucky. Many towns now have virtually no coverage of their local governments, and believe me what you don't know can hurt you at that level. In a little second-class township not far from me, we had a guy draining off so much government money that the FBI and Shapiro's office (he was AG then) got involved. Guy later committed suicide.

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    Originally posted by IUPNation View Post

    But they should be able to get a list of people who bought a ticket...and sort out the lot.

    That room is not that big, everyone in there saw the gun battle. I was at enough dances at the Chase Centr in 4 years at IUP at the Chase Center to know that it's a small venue.
    Agreed they should have plenty of leads and witnesses. Now, do drunk/high college kids make good witnesses when they don't remember anything ... that's probably the biggest challenge if I had to guess.

    Like I said most that age are smoked by nearly 1am on Homecoming Saturday. Not to mention the utter chaos that
    ​​​​​ erupts the instant that first shot gets fired.

    As we said before, I think there's an awful lot more to this story.

    I'm not questioning the police. They will get these criminals. They don't go away. I was just questioning the total lack of media coverage (locally).

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  • IUPNation
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post

    You had to buy a ticket but you also have to buy a ticket at Miller Stadium (and about 20 percent just walk right in).
    But they should be able to get a list of people who bought a ticket...and sort out the lot.

    That room is not that big, everyone in there saw the gun battle. I was at enough dances at the Chase Centr in 4 years at IUP at the Chase Center to know that it's a small venue.

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  • IUPNation
    Originally posted by iupgroundhog View Post

    I think that's all pretty true. Like I said, I am not that knowledgeable about this sort of thing. This just made me think of a road rage incident a few years ago around where Rte. 100 merges onto Rt. 322 just to the east of West Chester. A guy felt a woman cut him off on the highway so he pulled up beside her and shot her from his car. She veered off the road and died. It was a shocking incident. I'm sure 'Nation remembers it. They were able to ID the guy from a camera outside a business 3 miles away. They combined the description of the suspect and his car as well as the time stamp on the camera and nailed the guy. I thought it was amazing. The techniques are pretty sophisticated these days.
    I absolutely do remember that...they found him down in Eddystone I believe. I think between the traffic cameras and cameras along the way...they were able to track him down.

    The spot where he shot her was only 2 miles down 100 from my old house in Exton. I drive that way to work some days. I think the memorial for her is still there.

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    Originally posted by IUPNation View Post

    How do they not know who did it? Didn't you have to buy a ticket online to get in?

    People at that party know who did it. Why are they not talking?
    You had to buy a ticket but you also have to buy a ticket at Miller Stadium (and about 20 percent just walk right in).

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  • IUPNation
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post

    It won't amount to anything. Slap on the wrist and suspended for a game. Let's just say he's likely to have program-friendly representation, etc. It will be plead down to next to nothing and we'll never hear about it again.

    Speaking of never hearing anything, I'm shocked there are still no arrests in the 'homecoming' shooting. That's amazingly a completely ignored story in the media, too. I mean there hasn't been a local story on it in two weeks.
    How do they not know who did it? Didn't you have to buy a ticket online to get in?

    People at that party know who did it. Why are they not talking?

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    Originally posted by iupgroundhog View Post

    I think that's all pretty true. Like I said, I am not that knowledgeable about this sort of thing. This just made me think of a road rage incident a few years ago around where Rte. 100 merges onto Rt. 322 just to the east of West Chester. A guy felt a woman cut him off on the highway so he pulled up beside her and shot her from his car. She veered off the road and died. It was a shocking incident. I'm sure 'Nation remembers it. They were able to ID the guy from a camera outside a business 3 miles away. They combined the description of the suspect and his car as well as the time stamp on the camera and nailed the guy. I thought it was amazing. The techniques are pretty sophisticated these days.
    One major hindering factor to the Indiana event was it was after midnight on Homecoming Weekend.

    I'd guess a huge number of the witnesses were drunk as sin and/or high as a kite.

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