Originally posted by Fightingscot82
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Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
Tell you what, IUPUI really rolls off the announcers' tongue.
They surely could have came up with a better name.
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Originally posted by Fightingscot82 View Post
They surely could have came up with a better name.
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Originally posted by iupgroundhog View Post
Unless I'm missing it, it doesn't mention a name change although I guess if it's 2 schools they would change it.
Going forward, the IUPUI campus will be known as Indiana University Indianapolis. The Purdue portion of the campus will serve as an academic extension of its home base in West Lafayette, though Purdue officials have not yet decided on a new name for its extension in Indianapolis.
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Originally posted by iupgroundhog View Post
We tried to. As I recall, the main legal stumbling block was that they operated in different markets so there was no infringement. Ultimately, it was that IUP was not damaged by the IUPUI name. Of course, IUP didn't agree with that ruling.
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Originally posted by IUPNation View Post
We should have sued over that name.
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Originally posted by Fightingscot82 View Post
Problem has been solved: https://www.forbes.com/sites/michael...h=668d4cbdf1e7
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Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
First thing I thought of was, wow, if this game was a sellout it would take an hour to get out of here.
I did walk over and look at the football stadium. Lot to be desired there.
Looks like they are getting some decent concerts in there.
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Originally posted by Fightingscot82 View Post
The RMU venue is nice except a few things:
a) its terrible for concerts unless you're on the floor because you're facing the arena floor but the stage is on one end
b) there is only ONE entrance/exit to campus so leaving campus after a big event is the biggest clusterf*** you've ever seen
c) there is only one entrance for general fans so if you had to park far on campus you have a hike (sucks when its cold), and
d) there isn't enough parking on campus for that large of an event center. The "upper" lot is dorm parking and they make students move their cars, and for big events they rent a shuttle and ask people to park a mile up the road at the Park & Ride behind Sheetz.
All little annoyances. The building was designed by their administration so they could upgrade basketball conferences and get events on campus so there's some clear group think in understanding how the peasants use the building.
First thing I thought of was, wow, if this game was a sellout it would take an hour to get out of here.
I did walk over and look at the football stadium. Lot to be desired there.
Looks like they are getting some decent concerts in there.
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Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
Clarion has a large tent near the one end zone. I assume it's for invited guests and their donors. Every time I've been there the seem to get a lot of people in there.
I'd take it at IUP. Anything to close off the end zones a bit.
Speaking of RMU, I went to the game vs. IUPUI the other night. Their new arena is nice. I was impressed. Granted, the atmosphere was terrible as it felt like about 80 people were in there. But, it's a nice venue.
a) its terrible for concerts unless you're on the floor because you're facing the arena floor but the stage is on one end
b) there is only ONE entrance/exit to campus so leaving campus after a big event is the biggest clusterf*** you've ever seen
c) there is only one entrance for general fans so if you had to park far on campus you have a hike (sucks when its cold), and
d) there isn't enough parking on campus for that large of an event center. The "upper" lot is dorm parking and they make students move their cars, and for big events they rent a shuttle and ask people to park a mile up the road at the Park & Ride behind Sheetz.
All little annoyances. The building was designed by their administration so they could upgrade basketball conferences and get events on campus so there's some clear group think in understanding how the peasants use the building.
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Originally posted by IUPNation View Post
We should have sued over that name.
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Originally posted by IUPNation View Post
It doesn't seem like anyone really has something behind the endzone other than Grand Gulley U and their oddly placed student section that is bigger than the seating areas on either side line.
I was surprised to see the nicer stadiums of the MIAA had tracks in them too.
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Originally posted by IUPNation View Post
We should have sued over that name.
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Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
Clarion has a large tent near the one end zone. I assume it's for invited guests and their donors. Every time I've been there the seem to get a lot of people in there.
I'd take it at IUP. Anything to close off the end zones a bit.
Speaking of RMU, I went to the game vs. IUPUI the other night. Their new arena is nice. I was impressed. Granted, the atmosphere was terrible as it felt like about 80 people were in there. But, it's a nice venue.
I was surprised to see the nicer stadiums of the MIAA had tracks in them too.
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Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
Clarion has a large tent near the one end zone. I assume it's for invited guests and their donors. Every time I've been there the seem to get a lot of people in there.
I'd take it at IUP. Anything to close off the end zones a bit.
Speaking of RMU, I went to the game vs. IUPUI the other night. Their new arena is nice. I was impressed. Granted, the atmosphere was terrible as it felt like about 80 people were in there. But, it's a nice venue.
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