Originally posted by Fightingscot82
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We'll be there one way or another. You can still easily find rooms within 45 minutes of campus.
The following week gets a bit more tricky. Shippensburg isn't exactly sprawling with hotel rooms. Luckily, however, it isn't a 'hotel worthy' trip from Indiana for most of the fanbase.
That said, if they want a crowd at Ship ... best take care of business at ESU. The travel squad will take a major hit if they start 0-1.
Originally posted by iupgroundhog View Post
Nobody can predict the future but I think the new IUP science building can be a huge asset for the school. The facility is designed to be utilitarian.
The emphasis on STEM at IUP is also supported by PASSHE at the central level. Hopefully, they can promote it through high schools in PA as the go-to place to major in science. Students will major in things that are in demand and they will have life-long marketability and it will come at a relatively low price when compared to other options. If handled right, it can be a real boon for IUP.
While many of us have been critical of Driscoll, the STEM emphasis is in his wheelhouse and I think that will work well. I think there is also a plan to expand into new programs.
If this doesn't push IUP back to where people expect it to be, nothing will. It's a pretty big thing and I think it stands out from the crowd.
I agree that Driscoll's background probably made this happen more so than just their wealth and proclivity for IUP. That's not the type of donation regional universities tend to get.
The challenge will be for IUP to directly market the value of this facility and the potential cost savings versus others. That's where PASSHE needs significant improvement. They aren't good at communicating their value proposition - especially given the public attention to the cost of college. For example, there is a great opportunity to advertise a tuition freeze in spite of inflation. IUP advertised its "20% discount" but really it was them scrapping a bad pricing model and going back to PASSHE standard tuition rates.
Originally posted by Fightingscot82 View Post
Oh I think its possible. You'd be surprised how little things like that make its way to admissions staff. Some probably won't step foot in the building until they have a meeting there 2-3 years from now. Its a very different attitude in a unionized environment that rewards longevity vs a private university where your performance dictates your raises.
I agree that Driscoll's background probably made this happen more so than just their wealth and proclivity for IUP. That's not the type of donation regional universitieIs tend to get.
The challenge will be for IUP to directly market the value of this facility and the potential cost savings versus others. That's where PASSHE needs significant improvement. They aren't good at communicating their value proposition - especially given the public attention to the cost of college. For example, there is a great opportunity to advertise a tuition freeze in spite of inflation. IUP advertised its "20% discount" but really it was them scrapping a bad pricing model and going back to PASSHE standard tuition rates.
Originally posted by ironmaniup View Post
It was actually a very active Dean that lead the fundraising and gathered the donors - there was an advisory committee to help design the building, as well as have input into facilities and programs. . Kopchick is originally from Indiana, and his dad worked in the Science stockroom at IUP for many years. IUP has alot of really successful STEM grads - and she focused them on the building and the programs, for instance the new Environmental engineering program. Add to that, the replacement is for a 1960s Science building, so weyandt has been worse than average for 20 years. The tours avoided it the last few years. The other advantage is that all of the health related majors, like nursing will take intro science classes there. So it should help, at least for a few years.
Weyandt was a relic 25 years ago. Although, of course, it is the site of one of the great campus mysteries.
Originally posted by iupgroundhog View Post
I had 3 or 4 classes in Weyandt and the first one was taught by Foge Fazio's brother.
Originally posted by IUPNation View PostSo is Weyandt going to be torn down and what happens to Stright and Sally B?