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Last Activity: 07-21-2024, 08:13 AM
Joined: 10-10-2009
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  • ironmaniup
    replied to THE IUP Football Thread
    in PSAC
    I like the idea of kids participating to get exercise and be on a team and playing multiple sports because its fun, but they don't. The change seems...
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  • ironmaniup
    replied to THE IUP Football Thread
    in PSAC
    Kids today are not going to spend time and energy, and get a beating in practice, just to sit on the bench, and play on the kick off team when the game...
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  • ironmaniup
    replied to THE IUP Football Thread
    in PSAC
    Yealh the don’t scapegoat thing is disinformation. Open borders have a lot of risks. And it’s pretty clear who benefits the most from huge immigration...
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  • ironmaniup
    replied to THE IUP Football Thread
    in PSAC
    That’s true but you do understand why the people screwed over with high education costs, high health care costs, off shoring of manufacturing jobs ,...
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  • ironmaniup
    replied to THE IUP Football Thread
    in PSAC

    The last 8 years have been a wind fall for the upper 30% of Boomers and GenX, with one of the greatest transfers of wealth to that group...
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