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Last Activity: 07-24-2024, 03:50 PM
Joined: 09-07-2013
Location: Stephenville
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  • frutedog
    replied to WT AD update
    in LSC
    Oh Lord! Not Wendler’s TAC idea again.
    Hey go for it. Just leave Tarleton, ACU, SFA, and Prarie View out of it. You can have Commerce,...
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  • frutedog
    replied to WT Football
    in LSC
    WT is hemorrhaging students. Your President is a Cancer of the highest order. You can’t see the directional decline?You wanna fight me about past sports...
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  • frutedog
    replied to WT Football
    in LSC
    Hey, we’re playing McNeese on ESPN Aug 24. We played Tech and TCU on tv. Got our asses beat for sure, but the brand got out there. We’ve got Baylor...
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  • frutedog
    replied to WT Football
    in LSC
    Oh Jeez, back in 2000 you had a team. Wow! Look at the landscape now. WT football is a shell of it what it used to be. The University is a shell of...
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  • frutedog
    replied to WT Football
    in LSC
    WT has a football team? When did that happen?
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