1. OBU defeats HSU
  2. HU defeats ATU
  3. UCO defeats Pitt or WSC defeats USF

If HSU wins, a UCO victory or a WSC victory would have to happen for the GAC to secure a second playoff spot.
Since I have been asked what the new rankings and their impact on potential playoff spots mean for GAC teams here is the short and quick version:

  1. OBU wins: the Tigers are sole GAC champs and in the playoffs.
  2. OBU loses: the Tigers are GAC co-champs, could still make the playoffs but would need help, are guaranteed the Live United Bowl bid.

  1. HSU wins: the Reddies are GAC co-champs and in the playoffs.
  2. HSU loses: they need HU to make the playoffs to get the Live United Bowl bid.

  1. HU wins, OBU wins, Pitt and USF win: in theory the Bisons make the playoffs, however, they are guaranteed the Live United Bowl bid.
  2. HU wins, OBU wins, UCO or WSC win: the Bisons are in the playoffs.
  3. HU wins, HSU wins, Pitt and USF win: the Bisons are GAC co-champs with no post-season play the most likely outcome.
  4. HU wins, HSU wins, UCO or WSC win: the Bisons are GAC co-champs with the Live United Bowl bid the likely outcome.

For Harding things boil down to two options: if Harding wants post-season play they need Ouachita to win; if Harding wants a share of the GAC championship they need Henderson to win. The most likely scenario in which Harding can have both a share in the GAC championship and some form of post-season play is if the Heart of Texas Bowl offers the Bisons a bid. The Heart of Texas Bowl is not a guaranteed bid.

As you can see this is one big muddled mess and much depends upon not only the outcome of the GAC games but other games as well. One thing is certain, there will certainly be some unhappy 1-loss teams that will not be in the playoffs.

On a side note, if the GAC manages to send two teams to the playoffs, and with the third team going to the Live United Bowl, there is a chance that East Central (assuming they win against SOSU) could be selected for the Heart of Texas Bowl, thus giving the GAC four post-season berths.