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UWG Wolves 2023d


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  • UWG Wolves 2023d

    Let's get this going. Wolves are not playing patsies this year like some of the conference. Opening next Thursday night. Good preseason. DR. DEAN HAD A SMILE ON HIS FACE YESTERDAY WHEN I TALKED TO HIM. Watch out GSC!

  • #2
    At first glance it looks like West Ga., West Ala., and Limestone bit off a big piece to start the season, but if you apply a difficultly point value to the first three weeks you come up with a different result. The point system is as follows:

    1- Road game
    1- NAIA opponent
    2-Weak, sub-.500
    3-.500, more or less
    4-Strong, over .500
    5- Playoff team
    6- FCS
    7-Ranked FCS

    Applying these points to first 3 week schedule results in following standings for scheduling difficulty:

    1- 15 pts.: North Greenville (tougher road games)
    2- 15: West Ga. and West Ala.
    3- 15: Delta State
    4- 15: Shorter
    5- 12: West Fla.
    6- 11: Chowan
    7- 10: Mississippi College
    8- 8: Valdosta State


    • #3
      Originally posted by Argonut View Post
      At first glance it looks like West Ga., West Ala., and Limestone bit off a big piece to start the season, but if you apply a difficultly point value to the first three weeks you come up with a different result. The point system is as follows:

      1- Road game
      1- NAIA opponent
      2-Weak, sub-.500
      3-.500, more or less
      4-Strong, over .500
      5- Playoff team
      6- FCS
      7-Ranked FCS

      Applying these points to first 3 week schedule results in following standings for scheduling difficulty:

      1- 15 pts.: North Greenville (tougher road games)
      2- 15: West Ga. and West Ala.
      3- 15: Delta State
      4- 15: Shorter
      5- 12: West Fla.
      6- 11: Chowan
      7- 10: Mississippi College
      8- 8: Valdosta State
      I guess your opinion is based on what happened last year, and that’s fine, but I learned a long time ago not to do that.


      • #4
        Wolves 7 Limestone 0
        end of the 1st


        • #5
          Wolves 7-6 HT


