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Only 4 teams in East region meet minimum game requirement


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  • Only 4 teams in East region meet minimum game requirement

    Minimum game requirement to play NCAA tournament is 11 regular-season games.
    See Section 2-3 of

    Looking at all teams in the East region, only FOUR will have met that minimum: St Thomas Aquinas (11-1/ECC), Roberts Wesleyan (7-6/ECC), Daemen (7-4/ECC), and D'Youville (0-12/ECC)

    There are ZERO teams from the CACC with the minimum game requirement, yet each conference shall be awarded an does the CACC champion get a waiver on the minimum requirement? And if Molloy wins the ECC, do they get a free pass? NE10 is not playing a championship, so we don't have to worry about them.

    Will the NCAA overflow some of the more crowded regions into the East to fill all of the seeds? Or does the East bracket just get watered down?

  • #2
    Originally posted by schnautza View Post
    Minimum game requirement to play NCAA tournament is 11 regular-season games.
    See Section 2-3 of

    Looking at all teams in the East region, only FOUR will have met that minimum: St Thomas Aquinas (11-1/ECC), Roberts Wesleyan (7-6/ECC), Daemen (7-4/ECC), and D'Youville (0-12/ECC)

    There are ZERO teams from the CACC with the minimum game requirement, yet each conference shall be awarded an does the CACC champion get a waiver on the minimum requirement? And if Molloy wins the ECC, do they get a free pass? NE10 is not playing a championship, so we don't have to worry about them.

    Will the NCAA overflow some of the more crowded regions into the East to fill all of the seeds? Or does the East bracket just get watered down?


    • #3
      I eagerly look forward to cheering for D'Youville. They're potentially only two games from the Elite 8!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Augieholic View Post

        I eagerly look forward to cheering for D'Youville. They're potentially only two games from the Elite 8!
        Same, The Cinderella of D2!

        2-12 and into the Elite 8. Gotta get hot at the right time I guess! Ha


        • #5
          The most interesting part right now is that the regional rankings seem to be ignoring this rule.
          So, is there a minimum or not?


          • #6
            Originally posted by schnautza View Post
            The most interesting part right now is that the regional rankings seem to be ignoring this rule.
            So, is there a minimum or not?
            The NCAA, in true NCAA form, will not address the situation. They will do what they are going to do and ignore any negative comments. However, letting the East include teams that do not meet the minimum number of games raises a point in the Atlantic...we have a team that is "undefeated" at 4-0 in Lincoln PA. If you use the selection criteria, they are technically one of the highest rated teams in the region...of course, they haven't played in months! If the NCAA is going to permit the East to select teams with fewer than the required number of games, shouldn't they ALSO do the same for teams in the other regions??


            • #7
              Originally posted by schnautza View Post
              The most interesting part right now is that the regional rankings seem to be ignoring this rule.
              So, is there a minimum or not?
              Apparently not.


              • #8
                Leave it to the NCAA to break their own rules
                I guess 4-4>11


                • #9
                  Very disappointing to not get to root for D'Youville.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by NWFanatic View Post
                    Leave it to the NCAA to break their own rules
                    I guess 4-4>11
                    Yea...And not even an attempt to explain their choice to ignore the rules that THEY set up! But that is the NCAA for you...they make up the rules as they go and if one doesn't produce the result they want, they simply ignore it. Usually there is enough out there to at least give the illusion that they followed their rules...this year that facade of fairness isn't available to them so we get to see how many of us have suspected they act all along.

                    The Emperor has no cloths...but clearly, the Emperor doesn't really care.


                    • #11
                      D'Youville isn't eligible until 2024 anyway...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by schnautza View Post
                        Very disappointing to not get to root for D'Youville.
                        IINM, D'Youville is transitioning from D3, so they wouldn't have been eligible for the NCAA tournament to begin with.
                        Cal U (Pa.) Class of 2014


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ctrabs74 View Post

                          IINM, D'Youville is transitioning from D3, so they wouldn't have been eligible for the NCAA tournament to begin with.
                          ...Or would they?? NCAA chose to ignore the minimum number of games rule with no explination, they could have just as easily ignored the transition rule if they wanted to.


                          • #14
                            Good one! :D
                            Go Mustangs!


