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Transfer Portal (Tis the Season)


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  • GorillaTeacher
    Originally posted by huntnfish View Post

    It still happens but not like it used to. There were teams that would have 30-45 DI transfers on their 100 man roster that will never happen in the portal era
    That seems really high. I don’t think anything has really changed. The absolute vast majority of players entering the portal, never find a new home.

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  • huntnfish
    Originally posted by Predatory Primates View Post

    It still happens a lot. Zz is a D1 to D2 transfer. Rico payton was d1 to D2, etc...
    It still happens but not like it used to. There were teams that would have 30-45 DI transfers on their 100 man roster that will never happen in the portal era

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  • GorillaTeacher
    Originally posted by Predatory Primates View Post

    It still happens a lot. Zz is a D1 to D2 transfer. Rico payton was d1 to D2, etc...
    We have a FBS TE transfer, and 2 FCS DL transfer, and FCS QB transfer this year.

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  • Predatory Primates
    Originally posted by huntnfish View Post

    I think that formula has gone the way of the Dodo bird. Used to happen ALL THE TIME now most of the DI portal transfers just end up at another DI
    It still happens a lot. Zz is a D1 to D2 transfer. Rico payton was d1 to D2, etc...

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  • huntnfish
    Originally posted by Pure cool View Post
    Ok, I'll ask the dumb question here. I know the portal is relatively new, but has anyone seen the reverse where a D1 player gets picked up by a D2 team? For instance, now hear me out for a second, 3 players from Indiana University (Hoosiers) are going to the portal. Now, Indiana finished dead last in the Big10. How many D1 schools are looking at an Offensive Tackle from a team that finished dead last? i know it's a huge longshot, but has anyone seen any D2 success in getting a D1 from the portal? Did I mention that I hate the portal?
    I think that formula has gone the way of the Dodo bird. Used to happen ALL THE TIME now most of the DI portal transfers just end up at another DI

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  • northwest missouri state
    indentured servitude? lol it’s as if you dk what one of those actually was and what kind of life one lived.

    i wish i was talented enough to be exploited instead of paying my own way. nil should always have been legal meritoriously. the vast majority of it is in reality pay for play. but fans are paying it so i see no issue as long as schools aren’t paying the tab in terms of reducing funding for other areas in the ad. same thing that went on under the table in years gone by - they’ve always been paid at the big places. the bigger problem i see is the coming split with the big boys and the revenue sports and how that will impact non revenue sports at a lot of places. athletics has long been a way up for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds and these changes have the potential to detract from that opportunity for the majority in those non revenue sports while benefiting only the elite in the right sports. the ncaa for its flaws served a greater good with the older model.

    the portal is a disaster organizationally. it is fun to follow though. i like it when it benefits my school. I wonder if it’ll calm down once players that have gone through it and have learned that the grass ain’t actually greener share their experiences and the message filters down. it has detracted from fans connecting with players similar to the effect free agency had on the pros but the on field product is as good as ever.

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  • Predatory Primates
    As a D2 fan, I dislike the portal. As a human being, I like it.

    The old system of exploitation via indentured servitude was illegal, and a black eye for college sports.

    Then again, using college sports as a farm system is also a bad look.

    The issue is, and always has been at the highest levels, where a multi billion dollar industry has been allowed to pass itself off as college athletics. Unfortunately the trickle down is a PIA. Then again, without NCAA money trickling down, a lot of D2 schools may not even have sports.

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  • huntnfish
    I don't think any likes it, but I don't think it is going anywhere. Hope it doesn't completely ruin the game

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  • reloadmvp
    Originally posted by Pure cool View Post
    I hate the portal. The portal forces coaches to say to a potential recruit, "I've had X number of players move on to bigger universities after playing here for 2 years", This is just an example of course. I see the landscape of college football turning into a baseball farm system where FBS is the "SHOW" and then all others fall into a Tripple A, Double A, Single A, and High Single-A league where all players, much like baseball, are focused on getting to the next level. Not the pros, but the next level of a college football team.
    Name of the game now. We had a coach telling us recently how he was getting calls from everywhere on a PWO that didn’t even play a snap. Just because they knew the coach was about his business. Strange times man, strange times. These NIL deals though. I’m going to have to take a crash course in contract law lmfao.

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  • Pure cool
    I hate the portal. The portal forces coaches to say to a potential recruit, "I've had X number of players move on to bigger universities after playing here for 2 years", This is just an example of course. I see the landscape of college football turning into a baseball farm system where FBS is the "SHOW" and then all others fall into a Tripple A, Double A, Single A, and High Single-A league where all players, much like baseball, are focused on getting to the next level. Not the pros, but the next level of a college football team.

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  • Predatory Primates
    Not the portal, but just saw a DL decommit from NW and change to MW on twitter.


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  • Pure cool
    Just saw that Oscar Hammond, TE from UCO is going to North Texas via the portal.

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  • Predatory Primates
    Mw. Running back is headed to Arizona to play for Wright.

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  • GorillaTeacher
    It still has some inaccuracies. I was surprised as well to see it posted, as well. But Katsis and Pennington both signed their NLI today to play at NAU next season. I’m sure the SID was just waiting for the official move and transfer.

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  • Kiss My Ass
    Originally posted by GorillaTeacher View Post
    That’s for 2024. He would technically be a graduate student, though. He graduated with his biology degree this last weekend.
    I didn't notice that it was the 2024 roster since they still have Pennington listed. Kind of weird since normally the next roster that might get posted would be the spring practice roster.

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