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    Originally posted by Fightingscot82 View Post

    If they were alone in doing so, I'd maybe agree. But they're not.
    SRU did one week. Has any other PASSHE school?

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    Originally posted by ironmaniup View Post

    I don't disagree. Frankly I don't think there is anyone who was willing to enforce it. Keeping Fans out is a reaction to the realization that people don't respect the rules. There is a group of people who want to put the hammer down on the disobediant - they actually think masks make them invulnerable to the virus, which is really a non-scientific view at this point. There's been discussions here about how to make students cover their noses with the masks while in class. ?!? IUP sports at the KCAC was an easy target. Maybe the local Bars will all have big watch parties tonight.
    Go on permanent live feed. Screw them. Don't give that place another penny this year.

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  • Fightingscot82
    Originally posted by IUP24 View Post
    If they were alone in doing so, I'd maybe agree. But they're not.

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  • IUP24
    Originally posted by IUPalum View Post

    Does his suite ever have people in it? It empty every time I go!

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  • ironmaniup
    I don't disagree. Frankly I don't think there is anyone who was willing to enforce it. Keeping Fans out is a reaction to the realization that people don't respect the rules. There is a group of people who want to put the hammer down on the disobediant - they actually think masks make them invulnerable to the virus, which is really a non-scientific view at this point. There's been discussions here about how to make students cover their noses with the masks while in class. ?!? IUP sports at the KCAC was an easy target. Maybe the local Bars will all have big watch parties tonight.

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  • IUP24
    Originally posted by Fightingscot82 View Post

    IUP is state property and the state still has an indoor masking mandate.

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  • IUPalum
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post

    I can tell you with 1,000% accuracy this decision did not come from the KCAC management or from the athletic department. Both fought it vehemently.

    There was one suite empty at Monday's game. Anybody want to take a guess which one?
    Does his suite ever have people in it? It empty every time I go!

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  • Fightingscot82
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post

    Nobody is arguing that point. The mandate is the mandate. Although I find it strange my kids aren't required to wear a mask to their public school. And, why then is the KCAC still open for all 'non-student' events if IUP is state property?

    IUP made a panic decision.

    Several options were available before taking the weak way out.

    * In most simplistic terms ... maybe try and enforce the rule.

    * Limit capacity to 1,000 fans in a 4,000-seat venue. Season ticket holders and parents/family get first crack, and the remaining tickets are sold (with say 50 allotted for the visiting team).

    * Only allow spectators in every other row or every third row.

    This isn't a cramped gym. They could easily allow 1,000 per game and everybody will be more than spaced out to meet whatever guidelines exist.

    But, ... like I said ... it's whatever. It's their money being lost.
    Because the school isn't state property. PA owns IUP. Your local SD owns the school and while they're subject to similar state regulation they don't have a direct responsibility to the state.

    The events are probably still on so they don't lose money. Same reason they're not restricting attendance.

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    Originally posted by Fightingscot82 View Post

    IUP is state property and the state still has an indoor masking mandate.
    Nobody is arguing that point. The mandate is the mandate. Although I find it strange my kids aren't required to wear a mask to their public school. And, why then is the KCAC still open for all 'non-student' events if IUP is state property?

    IUP made a panic decision.

    Several options were available before taking the weak way out.

    * In most simplistic terms ... maybe try and enforce the rule.

    * Limit capacity to 1,000 fans in a 4,000-seat venue. Season ticket holders and parents/family get first crack, and the remaining tickets are sold (with say 50 allotted for the visiting team).

    * Only allow spectators in every other row or every third row.

    This isn't a cramped gym. They could easily allow 1,000 per game and everybody will be more than spaced out to meet whatever guidelines exist.

    But, ... like I said ... it's whatever. It's their money being lost.

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  • Fightingscot82
    IUP is state property and the state still has an indoor masking mandate.

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    I can tell you with 1,000% accuracy this decision did not come from the KCAC management or from the athletic department. Both fought it vehemently.

    There was one suite empty at Monday's game. Anybody want to take a guess which one?

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  • EyeoftheHawk

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  • ironmaniup
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post

    Word was the order came from the Titanic Captain (Driscoll).

    As you can imagine, this did not get a warm and fuzzy reaction from the KCAC staff and Redshirt Joe

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    Word was the order came from the Titanic Captain (Driscoll).

    As you can imagine, this did not get a warm and fuzzy reaction from the KCAC staff and Redshirt Joe.

    Whatever. Is what it is. It's their loss. You get numb to this $hit after being an IUP fan for so long.

    I think it would be funny for the fans to boycott the rest of the season (if indeed they actually do open the doors back up). You know, for all our safety.

    They sure didn't offer any refunds for tickets already purchased.

    I do wish they'd just give up the home games. What's the point. Play those games on the road so at least some parents and traveling fans can watch.

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  • Golden89
    Last edited by Golden89; 02-01-2022, 10:01 PM.

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