D2 football schools just passed Proposal No. 2025-8 at the NCAA convention, guaranteeing each conference an automatic bid to the playoffs (starting this fall) and removing the Earned Access provision. Details, including a FAQ section, can be found here.
Key ramifications:
* There is, of course, no longer a chance of a conference being left out entirely. This hadn't happened since 2019 (NE10), but there have been several times since then where it seemed close to happening.
* It's the conference champion that's guaranteed, as opposed to the highest-ranked team. Twice in the past few years a champion was left out when someone else from their conference made it (2021 Midwestern State, 2022 Newberry).
* Most likely the Gulf South, with 4 football members, will not be eligible for an auto bid (as if they needed one), but the other 15 conferences should qualify (including Conference Carolinas). But the language in the official notice linked above mentions 16 conferences, so maybe the GSC will have some sort of waiver.
* Legislation passed last year dictates that if more than 50% of a sport's bracket is auto bids, it triggers a review of potential bracket expansion. Even if the GSC doesn't qualify, that applies here with 15/28 (53.6%). To my knowledge, the earliest expansion could happen (due to the three-year D2 budget cycle) would be 2027, and it seems likely that we'll see a 32-team bracket beginning then.
Key ramifications:
* There is, of course, no longer a chance of a conference being left out entirely. This hadn't happened since 2019 (NE10), but there have been several times since then where it seemed close to happening.
* It's the conference champion that's guaranteed, as opposed to the highest-ranked team. Twice in the past few years a champion was left out when someone else from their conference made it (2021 Midwestern State, 2022 Newberry).
* Most likely the Gulf South, with 4 football members, will not be eligible for an auto bid (as if they needed one), but the other 15 conferences should qualify (including Conference Carolinas). But the language in the official notice linked above mentions 16 conferences, so maybe the GSC will have some sort of waiver.
* Legislation passed last year dictates that if more than 50% of a sport's bracket is auto bids, it triggers a review of potential bracket expansion. Even if the GSC doesn't qualify, that applies here with 15/28 (53.6%). To my knowledge, the earliest expansion could happen (due to the three-year D2 budget cycle) would be 2027, and it seems likely that we'll see a 32-team bracket beginning then.