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    Joe's up 35-19

    5:10 left first half.

    Sounds like Morris would be available in an emergency.

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  • IUPalum

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  • IUPalum

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  • IUPalum
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post

    You're 0-4 !!

    Nothing beats 'watching' a game on Live Stats. LOL.

    But, yeah, really ... WTF ?
    Last edited by IUPalum; 11-19-2021, 04:13 PM.

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    You're 0-4 !!

    Nothing beats 'watching' a game on Live Stats. LOL.

    But, yeah, really ... WTF ?

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  • IUPalum

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  • IUPalum
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
    We didn't luck out like I was hoping for ... Bowie State's students are still on campus.

    For those who have never attended a game there, it is one of the toughest and wildest atmospheres in all of D2. When it's amped up, it is crazy in there. Incredible pep band. It's an older style gym. The crowd is right on top of the floor. Low ceilings. Very loud.

    It's real important as the visitor to get a quick start there and try and get the crowd out of it.

    Game notes:

    * Bowie State is 0-2 with a close loss to Shepherd and a blowout loss to Mercyhurst.

    * We know Mercyhurst is very strong this year but I have a hard time believing they are 40 points better than Bowie State. I sure don't expect IUP to hammer them like that tonight. I think that opening loss was a classic case of a team with talented, but new faces playing against a team of talented players who have been together for several years.

    * Tonight is Bowie's home opener -- and they have a home football playoff game tomorrow. It should be a pretty full house.

    * Bowie has had a week to prepare for IUP

    * IUP has won 3 straight in the series

    IUP's last loss to Bowie State (2015) is one of the strangest games I've ever seen in my life. IUP was up 23 at half time -- and lost. BSU went insane in the second half, and IUP couldn't hit a free throw in the final five minutes to save its life.
    It's a full moon too.

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    We didn't luck out like I was hoping for ... Bowie State's students are still on campus.

    For those who have never attended a game there, it is one of the toughest and wildest atmospheres in all of D2. When it's amped up, it is crazy in there. Incredible pep band. It's an older style gym. The crowd is right on top of the floor. Low ceilings. Very loud.

    It's real important as the visitor to get a quick start there and try and get the crowd out of it.

    Game notes:

    * Bowie State is 0-2 with a close loss to Shepherd and a blowout loss to Mercyhurst.

    * We know Mercyhurst is very strong this year but I have a hard time believing they are 40 points better than Bowie State. I sure don't expect IUP to hammer them like that tonight. I think that opening loss was a classic case of a team with talented, but new faces playing against a team of talented players who have been together for several years.

    * Tonight is Bowie's home opener -- and they have a home football playoff game tomorrow. It should be a pretty full house.

    * Bowie has had a week to prepare for IUP

    * IUP has won 3 straight in the series

    IUP's last loss to Bowie State (2015) is one of the strangest games I've ever seen in my life. IUP was up 23 at half time -- and lost. BSU went insane in the second half, and IUP couldn't hit a free throw in the final five minutes to save its life.

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  • EyeoftheHawk
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post

    My outside-the-box theory -- to an extent -- has always been to consider the students of today. These are the children of the worst era in IUP history -- i.e. Playboy Magazine top party school, etc. Perhaps a lot of said parents remember the 'good old days' and are saying no way to Jimmy Stewartville.

    But, as IU24 said, many will vehemently disagree that the bad press of IUPatties in part caused the decline. I don't think there's any question. I'm an alumni and probably wouldn't have sent my own kids to IUP if it wasn't cleaned up. IUP is the only school around that gets blasted by every Pittsburgh station -- over and over -- every time something happens here.

    Many of us on were here part of the golden age of IUP debauchery in the late 90s. So, at least we got that going for us. LOL.

    But, things are turning around in the craziness and violence department. No shootings this year. Nobody has died. Homecoming Weekend was probably the most lame in school history. But, reputations are hard to shed. Especially one as bad as IUP had in the, well, good old days.

    Having half the number of students here ... well, that helps the crime stats, too.

    What happened to the fun days of football players punching police horses the night before the Homecoming game? That happened.

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    Originally posted by ironmaniup View Post

    So Back when you were here IUP was holding its own, Clarion and edinboro were already in decline, but IUP and slip were maintaining enrollment or only slightly decreasing, then all of a sudden, IUP tanked. I don't really have an answer, but I have talked to students about it. Their claim, for what its worth, was that it was part the bad press/violence, and part the severe over reaction ( in their mind) that IUP had to it. So students that were worried about too much carrying on decided to go elsewhere, and students that would have liked the action of things like IUPatties, didn't want to come either. add to that the per credit tuition, and more expensive dorms, and suddenly many more students went elsewhere. I don't know, that just talk, but the statisticians don't have any answers either.
    My outside-the-box theory -- to an extent -- has always been to consider the students of today. These are the children of the worst era in IUP history -- i.e. Playboy Magazine top party school, etc. Perhaps a lot of said parents remember the 'good old days' and are saying no way to Jimmy Stewartville.

    But, as IU24 said, many will vehemently disagree that the bad press of IUPatties in part caused the decline. I don't think there's any question. I'm an alumni and probably wouldn't have sent my own kids to IUP if it wasn't cleaned up. IUP is the only school around that gets blasted by every Pittsburgh station -- over and over -- every time something happens here.

    Many of us on were here part of the golden age of IUP debauchery in the late 90s. So, at least we got that going for us. LOL.

    But, things are turning around in the craziness and violence department. No shootings this year. Nobody has died. Homecoming Weekend was probably the most lame in school history. But, reputations are hard to shed. Especially one as bad as IUP had in the, well, good old days.

    Having half the number of students here ... well, that helps the crime stats, too.

    What happened to the fun days of football players punching police horses the night before the Homecoming game? That happened.

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  • ironmaniup
    Originally posted by IUP24 View Post

    Few people realize or recognize how nice IUP's campus really is. The setting is top notch. And with the new improvements they've made, it's hard to find a nicer place that's more affordable. The girl I was with when I was on campus went to Ohio University. I've been on that campus multiple times - it's gorgeous. She couldn't get over how nice the campus was. The setting of the mountains in the background, the fall foliage, all the landmarks on campus and in town, etc., it really is a special place. I've been on a ton of college campuses through my job, a lot of "Division 1" places too, and most don't hold a candle to how nice IUP is.

    I'm with you though. I'm not sure it ever gets back to what it was when I was on campus (2011-2015). The place was rocking. It was lively; it had a great vibe; people were everywhere; they were just starting all the prep for this next crop of renovations and improvements. It was the year or two after I graduated that things started getting really bad with the off campus violence, the issues with IUPatties, etc. Enrollment took a massive hit. I know there's a poster that will come in with data and such to say we don't know what we're talking about in terms of higher education enrollment figures, but IUP's massive decline started happening near the same time the media began portraying the school as an unsafe crime riddled place. Did that have everything to do with the drop? Probably not, but you'll never convince me it didn't have something to do with it either.

    When I was on campus, it didn't matter what day of the week it was, Philly Street always had something happening. And I'm not saying in a bad way. Go up to Philly on a random Tuesday night for dinner. Grubs was always overflowing with students for wing night. That's gone now. Twisted Jimmy's and Steel City had specials, and really good ones, on food and drinks almost every night of the week. It was never not crowded. Now it's gone, and the replacement restaurant they were putting in hasn't come to fruition yet. I could go on. It's just dead. Everything is. The place is a ghost town every night.

    As an alum, it's sad. Things obviously change, and we don't like change as humans, but you want to return and things to be as you left them. They just are the furthest thing from that. If I was from up that direction I suppose I might feel different, but I'm not from there. So I just see it now as my college is failing and now the town it's nestled in will ultimately fail with it. I hope the bar owners you know make it through and things at the school start to move in the opposite direction of what they currently are moving.

    So Back when you were here IUP was holding its own, Clarion and edinboro were already in decline, but IUP and slip were maintaining enrollment or only slightly decreasing, then all of a sudden, IUP tanked. I don't really have an answer, but I have talked to students about it. Their claim, for what its worth, was that it was part the bad press/violence, and part the severe over reaction ( in their mind) that IUP had to it. So students that were worried about too much carrying on decided to go elsewhere, and students that would have liked the action of things like IUPatties, didn't want to come either. add to that the per credit tuition, and more expensive dorms, and suddenly many more students went elsewhere. I don't know, that just talk, but the statisticians don't have any answers either.

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  • IUP24
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post

    It's a far different campus than it was just 3-4 years ago -- let alone 20-some years ago. Enrollment is obviously way, way down. Word is they may not even open some of the dorms next year. Cut their losses on the utilities, etc. Hopefully this is rock bottom, but I have my doubts. You figure, IUP was designed and built to be a pretty large school. Now it is, but you have half the kids.

    The saddest irony of the whole thing is the campus has never been this nice. Ever. Now that they closed the Grant Street section that used to split campus and made it part of campus, it really has the vibe of schools similar to Miami, OH, or Ohio University. Very similar setup, etc.

    In the past, I'd have never even considered going 'uptown' for dinner past about 7 p.m. Thursday-Saturday. As you said, it's not an issue any longer. I know a couple bar owners in town and they are hurting. They told me they do OK on the big nights from like 11 p.m. to close but it's usually a ghost town prior to 11 p.m. I don't know if they'll all survive. My guess is they will not.

    Interesting times.
    Few people realize or recognize how nice IUP's campus really is. The setting is top notch. And with the new improvements they've made, it's hard to find a nicer place that's more affordable. The girl I was with when I was on campus went to Ohio University. I've been on that campus multiple times - it's gorgeous. She couldn't get over how nice the campus was. The setting of the mountains in the background, the fall foliage, all the landmarks on campus and in town, etc., it really is a special place. I've been on a ton of college campuses through my job, a lot of "Division 1" places too, and most don't hold a candle to how nice IUP is.

    I'm with you though. I'm not sure it ever gets back to what it was when I was on campus (2011-2015). The place was rocking. It was lively; it had a great vibe; people were everywhere; they were just starting all the prep for this next crop of renovations and improvements. It was the year or two after I graduated that things started getting really bad with the off campus violence, the issues with IUPatties, etc. Enrollment took a massive hit. I know there's a poster that will come in with data and such to say we don't know what we're talking about in terms of higher education enrollment figures, but IUP's massive decline started happening near the same time the media began portraying the school as an unsafe crime riddled place. Did that have everything to do with the drop? Probably not, but you'll never convince me it didn't have something to do with it either.

    When I was on campus, it didn't matter what day of the week it was, Philly Street always had something happening. And I'm not saying in a bad way. Go up to Philly on a random Tuesday night for dinner. Grubs was always overflowing with students for wing night. That's gone now. Twisted Jimmy's and Steel City had specials, and really good ones, on food and drinks almost every night of the week. It was never not crowded. Now it's gone, and the replacement restaurant they were putting in hasn't come to fruition yet. I could go on. It's just dead. Everything is. The place is a ghost town every night.

    As an alum, it's sad. Things obviously change, and we don't like change as humans, but you want to return and things to be as you left them. They just are the furthest thing from that. If I was from up that direction I suppose I might feel different, but I'm not from there. So I just see it now as my college is failing and now the town it's nestled in will ultimately fail with it. I hope the bar owners you know make it through and things at the school start to move in the opposite direction of what they currently are moving.

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    Originally posted by IUPalum View Post

    I still worry about him being over matched on the defensive end against larger teams..Gannon and Clarion pushed him around last year in the exhibitions.
    Those were his first college games and they were really short-handed. At full force, he becomes the forgotten man on the floor. Leave him open and he can go bombs-away. He has a great role this year in being that bench guy who can come in and light it up. The Big 3 guards are such elite drivers that they start to constantly suck defenders in with them -- leaving Bryce uncontested for the quick pop-out. It's working so far.

    But, I agree. He's not there yet defensively. He has time, however. He's very quick, plays with a ton of emotion and aggressiveness, takes charges, etc. He's grown on me a lot these first three games. He's a sniper for sure -- that's a role I love for him in this offense. As film gets out, teams will see he can't be left alone, which will then open other things up. For his freshman season, I think 15-17 mpg is perfect.

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    Originally posted by IUP24 View Post

    I told BigIndians this a couple weeks ago when we were talking. The entire campus is dead. There's no life there anymore. There's no vibe. Off campus too. The areas which used to be littered with students in off campus housing: gone, empty, or just dead. The off campus apartments aren't filled. The spots on Philly Street, even through the week, which would get tons of foot traffic were lifeless. Nobody is there. It's almost not believable. You graduated the year after I did, so we were both on campus at the same time.

    I was recruiting for my company at the Safety Science career fair back in September - I do this annually, and it's always a nice reunion and 'check in' to look at what's happening up there. There wasn't an in-person event last year, so it was neat to see what changed in 2 years. On that Thursday night, me and a couple folks were walking around Philly Street after dinner. We ended up going to Culps that evening. I wasn't looking for a college good time, but I was at least hoping there was some activity. Nothing. On a Thursday night. All those places where you'd see specials and bars overcrowded with people were just dead. Apparently 'Country Night' is still a thing, but everything there has changed immensely since we've graduated.

    Enrollment there has plummeted. I believe it was my sophomore year when the high water mark for enrollment was hit (over 15,000). I can't find the 2021 numbers, but the fall of 2020 saw an undergraduate enrollment of 8,010. That's a MASSIVE drop. They aren't even opening up all the dorms on campus. I've also heard they are requiring two years on campus now, but I could be wrong.

    I suppose that if you looked at those numbers and extrapolated those out, that kind of explains some of the phenomenon's we are describing. If you've got 15,000 on campus, that's 3,750 per class. That also gives you about 7,500 'of age' juniors/seniors who can go out to those bars on Philly Street, or throw those off campus parties. With 15,000 on campus, you have more to draw from who just might be interested in a basketball game on a Tuesday night. When you cut your enrollment that much, everything we're both describing comes to fruition. Philly Street's absolutely dead anymore. It's almost not believable.
    It's a far different campus than it was just 3-4 years ago -- let alone 20-some years ago. Enrollment is obviously way, way down. Word is they may not even open some of the dorms next year. Cut their losses on the utilities, etc. Hopefully this is rock bottom, but I have my doubts. You figure, IUP was designed and built to be a pretty large school. Now it is, but you have half the kids.

    The saddest irony of the whole thing is the campus has never been this nice. Ever. Now that they closed the Grant Street section that used to split campus and made it part of campus, it really has the vibe of schools similar to Miami, OH, or Ohio University. Very similar setup, etc.

    In the past, I'd have never even considered going 'uptown' for dinner past about 7 p.m. Thursday-Saturday. As you said, it's not an issue any longer. I know a couple bar owners in town and they are hurting. They told me they do OK on the big nights from like 11 p.m. to close but it's usually a ghost town prior to 11 p.m. I don't know if they'll all survive. My guess is they will not.

    Interesting times.

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  • IUPalum
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post


    For those who haven't got to see any games yet (0-3 on video feeds) ... Bryce Radford is having a really good start. He's hit 4 treys per in 2 of the 3 games. Very long range shooter. He's officially a freshman but an academic junior so he's very mature and polished for being an R-FR. He's going to have a pretty elaborate scoring resume by the time he leaves town.
    I still worry about him being over matched on the defensive end against larger teams..Gannon and Clarion pushed him around last year in the exhibitions.

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