Originally posted by Fightingscot82
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While not part of this release, I wonder if a third "partner" in in the offing for the LHU/Mansfield pairing AND I wonder what the naming convention will be? Maybe Eastern PA University - Lock Haven, EPU - Mansfield and EPU - ?????
As this is a football message board, I ask again, what is the potential that all three WPU and the current EPU partner LHU all keep their football programs? In a much earlier post, I opined that a way around the athletic cost "burden" would be to split the athletic department among the now three schools - One campus gets football, one gets men's basketball, one get's women's basketball, etc. That would allow each campus to trim its individual athletic budget while allowing each to continue to sponsor DII athletics. AND it would allow the new university group to avoid duplication of effort. Of course, that plan would kind of reeks havoc with the PSAC lineup.