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Hate to piss on your Wheaties partner but, you might want to book a one way flight out of the country because come November, there will be a new sheriff in town. And...
1. We will get our border back.
I live 2 miles from the border and the immigration issues do not affect my life at all. How does it affect your life? The problem there is that everybody wants to come to America. Like always.
2. Criminals will be put behind bars to serve their just punishment.
"Criminals" will become a subjective term. Today in the news Liz Cheyney is the criminal for speaking her mind. Next year, it could be you.
3. People of this country will have much more disposable income.
Really? How so? Trump's stated policies will throw the country and the world into economic turmoil.
4. There will be no more weaponization of the DOJ to go after one's political opponent.
Really? See Trump's comments about his own political opponents this morning.
5.Inflation will go down immediately.
We already know that his trade policies will lead to rampant inflation.
6.Our military and police force will be respected and supported once again.
Our military and police will be one and the same.
7.Gas prices will drop immediately to where they were pre Biden.
You would have to explain that one to me.
8. We will stop paying for oil from our adversaries.
Our friends will be our adversaries and our adversaries will be our friends.
9.People will once again be able to purchase a home
Probably not with Trump's economic plans.
10. BTY I am an independent..
Who cares? You are the problem.
Originally posted by iupgroundhog View Post
The only part of that I disagree with is the word "might." What we are seeing before our eyes is a complete move from American democracy to an autocratic state. Literally, all of the things we have taken for granted about our lives and life in America, what our parents and grandparents enjoyed as Americans, and the United States of America the whole way back to 1776 will change if Trump is elected President. I have always followed Joe Biden and my politics are virtually a replica of his but right now he needs to be replaced because of his age and condition. However, the bigger takeaway from last Thursday is that Donald Trump can never become President of the United States. That is true regardless of whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Green, or Purple Polkadotted.
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Originally posted by iupgroundhog View Post
The only part of that I disagree with is the word "might." What we are seeing before our eyes is a complete move from American democracy to an autocratic state. Literally, all of the things we have taken for granted about our lives and life in America, what our parents and grandparents enjoyed as Americans, and the United States of America the whole way back to 1776 will change if Trump is elected President. I have always followed Joe Biden and my politics are virtually a replica of his but right now he needs to be replaced because of his age and condition. However, the bigger takeaway from last Thursday is that Donald Trump can never become President of the United States. That is true regardless of whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Green, or Purple Polkadotted.
Like having rights? Take this to heart.
1. We will get our border back.
2. Criminals will be put behind bars to serve their just punishment.
3. People of this country will have much more disposable income.
4. There will be no more weaponization of the DOJ to go after one's political opponent.
5.Inflation will go down immediately.
6.Our military and police force will be respected and supported once again.
7.Gas prices will drop immediately to where they were pre Biden.
8. We will stop paying for oil from our adversaries.
9.People will once again be able to purchase a home
10. BTY I am an independent..
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Originally posted by Ship69 View Post
True enough, but anyone who thinks Trump is mentally sharp needs to watch his description of the Battle of Gettysburg (in which he voiced Robert E. Lee in a strange faux Irish brogue) and also to give a listen to his recent "boat, electric battery, shark" story, both of which are rambling exercises in incoherence. Now, with the idiots on the current Supreme Court expanding the power of the presidency even more, we might be entering truly uncharted and dangerous territory after November. It's a sad choice this year and a terrible commentary on our major political parties, both of which have failed for different reasons. That said, I'll write in my dog before I vote for Trump.
Like having rights? Take this to heart.
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Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
Well, if the 'old' one has another debate like last week ... the 'orange' one will be your next President. That was just awful to watch.
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Originally posted by Ship69 View Post
Problem is, you have plenty of the orange one's supporters in the legislature, and they have to sign off on Pa. budgets.
Well, if the 'old' one has another debate like last week ... the 'orange' one will be your next President. That was just awful to watch.
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Originally posted by Fightingscot82 View Post
Nothing has been announced or even acknowledged by anyone in Lock Haven.
It will happen ... just a matter of when it gets announced.
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Originally posted by Tdobson View PostJust wondering, since hurst is leaving to get the hell beat out of them, has the PSAC been able to add another team? I thought we were going after frostburg, or west liberty and fairmont. Sorry if this has been answered.
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Just wondering, since hurst is leaving to get the hell beat out of them, has the PSAC been able to add another team? I thought we were going after frostburg, or west liberty and fairmont. Sorry if this has been answered.
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Originally posted by iupgroundhog View Post
I never was. That's what I was saying. I have no connection to Punxsy.
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Originally posted by ironmaniup View PostDondrea Tillman was signed to a 2.84 M 3 year contract with the Denver Broncos. He’s been tearing up the UFL for Birmingham. Hope he has good luck
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Originally posted by ironmaniup View PostDondrea Tillman was signed to a 2.84 M 3 year contract with the Denver Broncos. He’s been tearing up the UFL for Birmingham. Hope he has good luck
It will be interesting to follow how he fares. As one of the top players in the UFL, this is the idea, right? To move up. It seems like less of a leap than it is to go from college to the NFL.
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Originally posted by ironmaniup View PostDondrea Tillman was signed to a 2.84 M 3 year contract with the Denver Broncos. He’s been tearing up the UFL for Birmingham. Hope he has good luck
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Originally posted by Tdobson View PostIUP groundhog, when were you at Punsxy? I was there from 98-99. Loved that area.
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IUP groundhog, when were you at Punsxy? I was there from 98-99. Loved that area.
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