Originally posted by IUPalum
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I really miss the old days when Joe did his weekly show.
There was nothing more entertaining than Jack asking Joe a question, and then Joe totally ignoring the question and going on a 3-minute diatribe on a completely different subject. LOL.
The answer would sound great, but then you'd remember what Jack actually asked him ... and wonder WTF Joe was rambling on about.
The other best part was about once a season Joe would slip up on something and give us some actual inside information.
I'll never forget the night he leaked Lock Haven's Amir Hinton might be transferring (he said this in like early December with half the season remaining). Sure enough, he did. To this day you wouldn't believe how close he was to signing at IUP. It allegedly fell through at the 11th hour and he signed with Shaw. Granted, Hinton not staying at LH was about the worst kept secret in history.
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