One CC I'm familiar with is seeing adults in their adult literacy program who have a second grade reading level. That's a sure sign of a problem.
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Originally posted by WarriorVoice View PostOne CC I'm familiar with is seeing adults in their adult literacy program who have a second grade reading level. That's a sure sign of a problem.
But as a society we've also shifted from teacher as authoritarian who knows best to teacher is an idiot liberal indoctrinating kids and grooming them for sexual deviance (or something considered to be sexually deviant). I'm also the kid of teachers and work in education, so I tend to fairly consider what my kids' teachers tell me.
Originally posted by Fightingscot82 View Post
A longtime friend teaches 6th grade math in my local district. She said the school board has unofficially issued guidance that students should only be held back for behavioral/emotional issues that make them incompatible with students of the same age because parents lawyer up.
But as a society we've also shifted from teacher as authoritarian who knows best to teacher is an idiot liberal indoctrinating kids and grooming them for sexual deviance (or something considered to be sexually deviant). I'm also the kid of teachers and work in education, so I tend to fairly consider what my kids' teachers tell me.
Two decades ago you could actually flunk out of IUP or Edinboro, etc. Now I'd assume you are given about 5 chances.
Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
I wonder how that is applying, behind closed doors, to our state schools -- who, surely don't want anybody flunking out.
Two decades ago you could actually flunk out of IUP or Edinboro, etc. Now I'd assume you are given about 5 chances.
Years ago when Edinboro had the first of two Ivy League snobs as President, he thought they should weed out more students. Every freshman who got below a 1.0 GPA their first semester was kicked out. That resulted in almost a $1 million revenue loss from fall to spring and was the first of several short-sighted financial decisions he ordered that hurt the school financially. This is an example why it doesn't matter how brilliant of a nuclear physicist someone is and/or they were tenured faculty at Princeton and Yale - it doesn't mean they understand how to run a university.
Originally posted by Fightingscot82 View Post
A longtime friend teaches 6th grade math in my local district. She said the school board has unofficially issued guidance that students should only be held back for behavioral/emotional issues that make them incompatible with students of the same age because parents lawyer up.
But as a society we've also shifted from teacher as authoritarian who knows best to teacher is an idiot liberal indoctrinating kids and grooming them for sexual deviance (or something considered to be sexually deviant). I'm also the kid of teachers and work in education, so I tend to fairly consider what my kids' teachers tell me.
Originally posted by iupgroundhog View PostWhy emphasize developing students at CC for transfer to the state system when the state system needs enrollment? They should enroll them directly into the state universities and work with them to achieve academic success.
I don't think there even is an admissions standard at our schools any longer. If you want to come -- can spell your name correctly and can somehow pay the bill -- you're in.
They need to be recruiting against the actual community colleges -- not partnering with them.
Hard to believe not all that long ago IUP would send applicants who didn't quite meet IUP's standard to the branch campus in Kittanning for their freshman year.
From the outside, the answer seems so clear. Close some of these schools. Pennsylvania no longer needs all these state schools. Politics, obviously, complicates matters. The 'triad' debacle is likely the first step.
Originally posted by iupgroundhog View PostWhy emphasize developing students at CC for transfer to the state system when the state system needs enrollment? They should enroll them directly into the state universities and work with them to achieve academic success.
Originally posted by boatcapt View PostNot surprizing. As a society, we are moving away from any sort of measurement that differentiates people. Many schools have gone away from even considering SAT/ACT scores in admissions...At the same time, we are seeing tremendous grade inflation at the high school level and students can actually increase their academic GPA through non-academic "community service." We are fast approaching the day when the ONLY ability necessary to graduate college is the ability to stroke a check. Of course, the liberals are trying to make college free so I guess at some point, even stroking a check won't be necessary.
Originally posted by Fightingscot82 View Post
Free for certain people - and only at public schools. Its a pretty small group advocating free for anybody and probably advocating for free everything. The government should work to ensure that the highest Pell Grant should cover all mandatory tuition & fees at government colleges and universities, especially in states (like Pennsylvania) that have additional state grant programs.
The somewhat more rational advocates of this may say this, but that is not what the true believers want. This kind of reminds me of the "defund the police" movement...The supposed "cooler heads" stepped in and said we REALLY don't want to defund and abolish the police, we just want to reprogram some money toward social programs...But then the real hard core of the movement stepped in and said "Yea, we said defund the police and that is EXACTLY what we want."
Originally posted by boatcapt View Post
"Free for certain people"
The somewhat more rational advocates of this may say this, but that is not what the true believers want. This kind of reminds me of the "defund the police" movement...The supposed "cooler heads" stepped in and said we REALLY don't want to defund and abolish the police, we just want to reprogram some money toward social programs...But then the real hard core of the movement stepped in and said "Yea, we said defund the police and that is EXACTLY what we want."
Originally posted by boatcapt View Post
"Free for certain people"
The somewhat more rational advocates of this may say this, but that is not what the true believers want. This kind of reminds me of the "defund the police" movement...The supposed "cooler heads" stepped in and said we REALLY don't want to defund and abolish the police, we just want to reprogram some money toward social programs...But then the real hard core of the movement stepped in and said "Yea, we said defund the police and that is EXACTLY what we want."
Originally posted by iupgroundhog View PostWhy emphasize developing students at CC for transfer to the state system when the state system needs enrollment? They should enroll them directly into the state universities and work with them to achieve academic success.
Originally posted by boatcapt View Post
"Free for certain people"
The somewhat more rational advocates of this may say this, but that is not what the true believers want. This kind of reminds me of the "defund the police" movement...The supposed "cooler heads" stepped in and said we REALLY don't want to defund and abolish the police, we just want to reprogram some money toward social programs...But then the real hard core of the movement stepped in and said "Yea, we said defund the police and that is EXACTLY what we want."