Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS
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I kid. Obviously, Ben has a few redshirts at WLU as well. I assume that both Joe & Ben believe a guy has chosen to cast his lot with their programs because he wants to be a part of something bigger in the long term. These are marquee D2 programs.
Unfortunately, in this day and age, kids would much rather play early and often for less-than-marquee programs than stay patient in order to be a part of something bigger. Sad state of affairs.
But not a single person will be the least bit surprised if 6 months from now Romero-Sanz (IUP) or Pankey (WLU) is in the portal. I hope not. I hope those guys knew what they were signing up for when they signed. But a lot can change in 6 months in this climate.