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Iup basketball


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  • Horror Child
    Re: Iup basketball

    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
    While I'm not a fan of his antics, I do give Kevin Reynolds a lot of credit for putting a team on the floor that is highly competitive.

    I don't know this year's exact scholarship numbers but his 'budget' is typically about one-third of IUP, Gannon, Mercyhurst and California. Basketball is also treated like the 'red-headed stepchild' at SRU compared to football.

    I know factually Till and McDonald had offers from all over -- Alderson-Broaddus, Virginia Union, Bowie State ... and several more. Being so many were after them they have to be on full ticket at SRU. That likely means the rest of his roster had about 2.5 to 3 'full ride' equivalencies to divide out.

    He certainly takes some character issues and high-risk players. But, he does find a way to keep them more than competitive most years in the PSAC.

    I always wonder what he'd do with a full budget. I think he thrives with the 'us against the world' and 'more with less' philosophy. That team was 'up' for that game last night.
    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS
    If those kids are really going there for basically no money ... at their quality ... they are morons.

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    Re: Iup basketball

    While I'm not a fan of his antics, I do give Kevin Reynolds a lot of credit for putting a team on the floor that is highly competitive.

    I don't know this year's exact scholarship numbers but his 'budget' is typically about one-third of IUP, Gannon, Mercyhurst and California. Basketball is also treated like the 'red-headed stepchild' at SRU compared to football.

    I know factually Till and McDonald had offers from all over -- Alderson-Broaddus, Virginia Union, Bowie State ... and several more. Being so many were after them they have to be on full ticket at SRU. That likely means the rest of his roster had about 2.5 to 3 'full ride' equivalencies to divide out.

    He certainly takes some character issues and high-risk players. But, he does find a way to keep them more than competitive most years in the PSAC.

    I always wonder what he'd do with a full budget. I think he thrives with the 'us against the world' and 'more with less' philosophy. That team was 'up' for that game last night.

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  • IUPalum
    Re: Iup basketball

    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
    LOL ... you're intense. That's the coach in you ... all heck breaking loose and you spot a travel!
    hahahahahahaha... I never look at it that way!

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    Re: Iup basketball

    Overall, minus the shot on Dante, I thought Till was a pretty good player. He's very physical and agile for his size. They are a completely different team when he's in foul trouble. Note to other teams. He's the glue. Take him out and the house of cards crumbles.

    While that was a cheap shot, he played clean the rest of the game and seemed to enjoy the banter with the crowd. They have some others who were just totally effected by it. Aaron McDonald was a mess in the second half. The crowd was deep in his head. The Bivens guy was just a dirty player. Just about every issue ... he was the consistent ingredient.

    Hey, if that's the image they want to have and try to play the intimidation card ... it will work most nights.

    I can tell you one thing ... if D2 teams actually had fans ... SRU would be crushed every time they go on the road. Student sections would go crazy on them knowing they can't handle it.

    Reynolds is Reynolds. He's never going to change. At minimum he should have been given two technicals last night and likely ejected. The refs let him dance last night and put on a show.

    All that pregame handshake garbage, etc., ... that's part of their 'tough guy' image. And, classless image, too. The bullies got punched back last night. The tough guys had a crowd all over them and they melted down. Bullies aren't used to being picked on.

    Side note to SRU: IUP isn't a great choice to send to the line 36 times.

    I'm real curious how that cast of players responds to adversity (hopefully for them much better than last night). They were arrogant and rolling playing cream-puffs all year. Let's see how KR keeps them together. You bring in that many transfers ... many not on their second stop ... it's not going to be easy to contain control when the crap hits the fan.

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    Re: Iup basketball

    But, yes, the SRU conduct was horrendous.

    They won't beat top teams on a consistent basis. They are far too undisciplined. They are now 0-3 against the best three teams they've played. Not a coincidence.

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    Re: Iup basketball

    LOL ... you're intense. That's the coach in you ... all heck breaking loose and you spot a travel!

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  • IUPalum
    Re: Iup basketball

    The bottom line is, the refs were bullied by Reynolds and team. Those calls/no calls were horrendous at the end of the game. That could've gotten a lot uglier than that but thank god Samoa Joe kept control of team IUP. Also, am I the only one that thought Till traveled before the buzzer beating 3?

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    Re: Iup basketball

    Here's the tape:

    It all starts at 14.4 seconds. Glover at the foul line. He hits two.

    Ball inbounds ... SRU shot ... Dante is coming in for the rebound and gets NFL walloped by Micha Till (former NC State TE, btw). Dante literally flies in to SRU No. 24 under the basket. Now, in real time, everybody, including Kevin Reynolds, thought Dante took a cheap shot. Video replay clearly shows Dante was DECKED and flew in to the Rock's player. Watch Till immediately afterward as his body language indicated he knew he caused it.

    The refs missed it (as did almost all) and ultimately tagged Dante (wrongly) with a flagrant foul. SRU No. 24, who took the flying Dante shot from behind, goes down in pain. Dante immediately goes to help him or apologize and is ushered out by Till. Ayron Hutton, who likely saw what Till did, went over and slapped Till's hand away from Dante. When No. 24 gets up, he starts right at Section 112 Row 1 and gets restrained by his teammates. Security then lines between the court and Row 1.

    That's the sequence of the first one.

    The second is harder to identify from the video. After SRU shot the free throws from the first one, they inbound the ball. At 8.5 seconds, Cobo gets decked by No. 25. However, no call. The call comes from off-screen, and whatever happened back there that the video doesn't show resulted in the technical on IUP. Cobo gets up laughing he got hit so hard by two formed elbows with no call.

    SRU takes the FTs and then inbounds the ball. They miss and eventually it gets to Till, who takes the three at the buzzer and makes it. He was fouled on the play by Cobo but no call was made. Final: 89-85

    The official, published IUP box score says "Technical fouls: none"

    As you said, it was a whirlwind live. That last minute took almost 11 minutes of real time. Without the ability to review it it's very easy to see how so many things were missed and called incorrectly.

    Most importantly, the game ended peacefully with no further altercations.

    But, the video is very clear. That whole mess was started by Till sending Dante toward Row 10. He just happened to fly into a Rock player instead.

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  • IUsuallyPonder
    Re: Iup basketball

    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
    What was the second IUP technical called for ...?

    That last minute in the stands was a blur. I know Dante got the first one. I didn't catch the second one. Was it on the bench?
    No idea... The guys on the broadcast didn't indicate what was going on, it was like a whirlwind of craziness, and we were just all along for the ride. Maybe they say in the recap in the paper? If anything, I thought it was on SRU, as bodies of IUP players went flying on the court, but apparently it was against IUP...? And to think, the next game against them will be at a ruckus SRU, that'll be a game.

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    Re: Iup basketball

    What was the second IUP technical called for ...?

    That last minute in the stands was a blur. I know Dante got the first one. I didn't catch the second one. Was it on the bench?

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    Re: Iup basketball

    On a negative note the women's team suffered what appeared to be a serious knee injury to Ana Holen. She was in tremendous pain. Hopefully she's OK but it didn't look good.

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    Re: Iup basketball

    A broke league that needs money ... that's who does it. DUMBEST thing I've ever seen.

    Play that game in two weeks and you get 3,000 ... play it tonight and make peanuts.

    With a full house SRU would have totally melted down.

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  • IUP24
    Beating the horse on this but... Who schedules these games over these breaks? Awful.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • IUP24

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    Re: Iup basketball

    Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS View Post
    SRU ran out of gas. And ... turned in to a street ball team. They got rattled and let it effect their play.

    Final score was a bit deceiving but so be it. I think they got 10 points in the final 20 seconds with the technicals and the walk-off trey at buzzer.

    Rock didn't shake hands during player intros and then sent a ball boy to slap the IUP players hands. TOTAL BUSH LEAGUE.

    They had to stop a player from coming in to the stands. Their players were more worried about the front row of Section 112 than playing in the second half. Twice they purposely stepped in to IUP's huddle.

    Playground B.S.

    That great defense we heard so much about also got shredded.
    I remember this used to be a big issue for me at IUP games years ago when, we for whatever reason, did not comport ourselves with the proper respect during the player intros. It certainly did nothing to dispel the perception of "IUP arrogance" around the conference. I can understand that the coaches may need to use that time to give last minute instructions to their team, but at least send out one of your assistants to receive the opposing players. Goodness, even the egg-on-his-face Cornwallis sent out O'Hara at Yorktown to surrender the British Army. And he had just basically blown the whole war. LOL.


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