Originally posted by IUPbigINDIANS
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To your point, the downtown area of Indiana and Philly Street is a ghost town now compared to when I was in school. I too have questioned how many places have remained open. All things considered, if you cut enrollment in half, you also cut in half the number of individuals who are eligible to even legally drink at the bars. And to your point, the college students now were all COVID kids in high school, so they are much less likely to just go out and be social. Even before I was of drinking age, my friends and I would go out to restaurants on Philly Street and around town. You just went out and did things (25 cent wing night at Grub's was always a blast - I miss the Razz Barbecue flavored sauce). I have gone back to recruit on campus at points during the last 3 years. Like you said, you go to Philly Street on Thursday night and it's just dead. When I was in school, which wasn't that long ago, there were lines out the door at Culps, Twisted Jimmy's, and The Coney at 10:30 every Thursday night. It's just way, way different now. And for the businesses there, that really is sad. Because there are some nice establishments. You guys are saying how different it was way back when.. I graduated in 2015 and it's night and day to when I was there.
Overall, I always felt like Indiana was a really nice town, not just a nice college town. My sister went to Cal and was in the marching band from 2007-2010. That was during the height of their run. We went to almost every Cal home game during that stretch, and the striking thing to me was always how disconnected the university was from the town/community. When I got to IUP, I felt a different vibe in that regard. Felt like the size of Indiana, the niceties of Philly Street, and how close "town" was to campus created a lot more connectedness. Also felt that the community supported basketball and football far better at IUP than at Cal. That said, I do feel like that 2014 IUPatty's event was damaging to that relationship between the students and the community.