Originally posted by Ship69
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But I think what I think. I always read a lot of newspapers throughout my life. Print journalism, in a sense, was virtually free.back in the day. You could pick up a newspaper and read it anywhere. Didn't matter if you had little or no money. The newspaper might get passed around to 20 readers throughout its lifecycle. I understand that it was supported by advertising. Or, if you wanted to buy the paper, it was a nominal charge. And it was organized and edited and there was a responsibility to the readers. It served a purpose broader than just making money. So, now they want you to get out your credit card and "subscribe" just to read a couple of paragraphs. Actually, sharing the content is deemed bad. In this example, I am the party violating the rules. Really? I have trouble adjusting to that. It's a different dynamic and I'm not that fond of it.