November 1st, 2019 11:00pm
Each week we will select some of the best games from around the country and see which of our veteran columnists can correctly pick the winners.
For good measure, members of the message board have agreed to join in. Each week, a different member will try to correctly pick the winners and represent the entire message board against the columnists.
We will keep standings and see who comes out on top.
It was a very successful week for all pickers last week with everyone finishing above .500. Bob stayed in first place but a 5-0 week by Paul has him a game behind.
This week, message board member Brandon will pick for the group. He is a fan of Division II Football and is picking for the board as a result of putting up the picker request too late in the week.
This weeks games:
Lenoir-Rhyne at Wingate
Kutztown at West Chester
Savannah State at Fort Valley
Winston-Salem at Shaw
Concord at West Virginia State